The day i met U..
The day U proposed me..
The day u entered into my life has come again dear..
U make my life so bright...
U fill my empty heart..
U are a gift from Allah that i opened everyday...
Sometime i feel like i am a lucky woman in this world to have a precious husband like u..
Thank you for completing me..
Thank you for giving me wonderful moment everyday, everytime when we spent time together.
The day has come again hubby.
Our M O M E N T S
Our H A P P I N E S S
Our M E M O R I E S
09. 02. 2013 - 09.02.2015
H A P P Y 2nd A N N I V E R S A R Y hubby
I Love U and will always Love U Everlasting
#My Heart #My Soul #My Life#
The End